1. His Majesty is the ninth King of the Chakri Dynasty and the longest-reigning monarch in the history of Thailand. His Majesty the King is well recognised as the heart and soul of the Thai nation.
ในตัวอย่างเราไม่ทราบศัพท์ คำว่า recognisedแต่เรารู้ว่า soul แปลว่าอะไรสามาเดาความความจากประโยคที่ว่า His Majesty the King is well recognised as the heart and soul of the Thai nation.
2. Everywhere he goes, people turn up to greet him in hundreds of thousands. The manner in which His Majesty conducts himself, giving his whole heart and attention to the people, immediately linked the living symbol of the nation to the people in a bond of mutual understanding and personal affection.
ในตัวอย่างเราไม่ทราบศัพท์ คำว่า thousands แต่เรารู้ว่า himself แปลว่าอะไรสามาเดาความความจากประโยคที่ว่า The manner in which His Majesty conducts himself
3. The main concern of His Majesty is for the uplifting of the general well-being of the people. Evidence of this can be drawn from His Majesty the King’s ceaseless efforts to visit his subjects in the rural areas. The aim of His Majesty’s visits is to learn at first hand about the needs of his subjects.
ในตัวอย่างเราไม่ทราบศัพท์ คำว่า well-being แต่เรารู้ว่า uplifting แปลว่าอะไรสามาเดาความความจากประโยคที่ว่า The main concern of His Majesty is for the uplifting of the general well-being of the people.
4. Buddhism is the national religion of Thailand and His Majesty constantly shows himslef to be a convinced and dedicated disciple of the Lord Buddha. To follow the tradition of young Buddhist men to go into the monastery for a period of time, His Majesty entered the Buddhist monkhood at Wat Bovornnives on 22 October 1956. The Constitution of Thailand
ในตัวอย่างเราไม่ทราบศัพท์ คำว่า Buddhism แต่เรารู้ว่า religion แปลว่าอะไรสามาเดาความความจากประโยคที่ว่า Buddhism is the national religion of Thailand and His Majesty constantly shows himself
5. On his birthday, which is observed as a National Holiday, all his subjects rejoice in demonstrating once more their affection and loyalty to him. Religious rites are held, houses and buildings are decorated with flags, lights and his portraits
ในตัวอย่างเราไม่ทราบศัพท์ คำว่า National Holiday แต่เรารู้ว่า Religious แปลว่าอะไรสามาเดาความความจากประโยคที่ว่า Religious rites are held, houses and buildings are decorated with flags, lights and his portraits
ส่งความคิดเห็น (Atom)